Come one, come all,
Let’s make a song. Continue reading the song
Pink Flowers
Stunning pink fire,Trembling in wind,Blossoming in a jungle of green,Within gray asphalt roads,Oh, these flowers touch my soul,How blessedis my window!
RIP: Dear Postman
Dear postman,
My solemn friend,
This is my last letter
In ink and pen;Continue reading RIP: Dear Postman →
15th August 2011
10 years back,A proud Indian I was,Today,Just an Indian I am. Frustration,Is the feeling of the decade,Corruption,Is the fad of the day. Crore,Is the penny of the newContinue reading 15th August 2011 →
A New World Order
Amidst strife and inflation cries,One seeks the answer that will justify,Why’s happening, what’s happening,And when will all this purify? Amidst failing systems andContinue reading A New World Order →
Dear Japan: 11March11
My heart goes out to you,Dear Japan,Our prayers are with you,Sweet Japan,The world stands by you,Friend Japan,We’ll help with all our might,Yes, Japan,Together, let’s keep upContinue reading Dear Japan: 11March11 →
Wings For Words
Worldly wisemakes me ice,words are lostin the smogof the workfor the world. Can’t then write,makes me cry,want to fightday and night,decibel risegives a high. Then comes rain,storm and hailof peace and calm,words unarmeddance on the tipsof fingers and lips. And so it goesto come for moreagain and againthe cycle containsa steady rhythm,Catch it and run.
And So The Happy Woman Dies…
In love with Death,she smiles every morning,chores feel like flowersof the wreath, so lovedby the lover; so frightening,to the world, but for her,he was handsome and caressing. A prince of the dark, this loverhas no qualms, goes from oneto the other, of any age, genderor religion; never returning,consummating fully; leavingnothing for late, while she waitslovingContinue reading And So The Happy Woman Dies… →
Stop, Think & Dream
What’s a new year?Or any other landmark dayfor that matter?Just another day?A change of date?Or a break from the daily chores,As mechanically we go on,Fulfilling responsibilities,For us and the world,Without any sense of purpose. So stop, think and dream,Find things that really mean,And keep you awake,Even in your sleep. It’s a mean world,Selfish and self-centered,ItContinue reading Stop, Think & Dream →
A Prayer To The Glorious Sun
Sun rays on my facetickle and play,Smiling a lazy smileI further squeeze those sleepy eyes. More rays tickle,more I hide,The hide-and-seek goes on,till the sun gives that dashingvictorious smile. I bow to the Magnificentwith many names,Aditya, Isha, Bhanu, Sharanya,Achyuta, Ananta, Vasu and Indra. Glorious and bright,like a little bird’s first chirp,the Sun whispers,wake up beautiful,andContinue reading A Prayer To The Glorious Sun →