Boganias around the city,Make a dreamland of Delhi,Despite the sweltering heat,We revel in its floral beauty. Driving through city lanes,Where boganias jostle for space,My heart starts thumping loudly,At their crowded colourful frenzy. The translucent petals so frail,In the lightest breeze they shake,Thorns guard the blessed air,That covers the boganias so fair. Wish the rain wouldContinue reading A City Of Bougainvillea
Nature’s Warning
Cyclical, stable, and unpredictable,Beautiful, wild, and untameable,That’s nature as we know,Yet its message we don’t follow:“Be gentle with me,And I will be gentle with you,Mess with me,And I too will mess with you!” Excerpted from the book Life’s Not All That UnfairAvailable on @
Nymph Of The Night
What took me so long,To write about a summer morn,Don’t wet air and bird sounds,Fill my heart with cheers abound? I’m a nymph of the night,Sodium and fluorescence make me alive,Thoughts flow like a lone cloud through a clear sky,Ideas become deep as the darkness of the night sky. Morning is young and pretty,But theContinue reading Nymph Of The Night →
Dreams, Dreams, Dreams
I dream of oceans,I dream of houses,I dream of becoming a bird,I dream of conquering the world,I see movies in my dreams,I meet departed loved ones in my sleep,I adore the dream world,Yet I like the complexity ofthis earthly world. Excerpted from the book Life’s Not All That Unfair Available on @
We Are The Street Children
A house with corridors that go very far,A bedroom ceiling of the moon and stars,Knife and blade for alphabets and numbers,Movies and brothels for lessons and poems,Drugs in place of warm clothes and food,Smelly oil to make us look good… We are the street children,Next to your lane,We die, live and play.