Rahul was a school bully, Who loved to tease Anjali, He called her bubble-wrap, Because she was a little fat. Anjali hid and cried in the night, But she was too afraid to fight, As her frustration was building up, She wanted to teach Rahul a lesson. She dreamt of a race one night, WhichContinue reading Fight Back The Bully
Mom vs. Dad
Mom says no,Dad says yes,Oh my dear,What a mess! Mom says read,Dad says sleep,Oh my dear,Who do I please? Mom says red,Dad says blue,Oh my dear,Ask me too! Mom says football,Dad says laptop,Stop fighting my dear,I want it all.
The Little Butterfly
Flies, flies,Little butterfly,Over the flowers,It dances with colors,Round the trees,It sings with the bees,Over the hills,It flaps its wings,Up, up in the sky,Flies away little butterfly.
Two Little Leaves
Two little leaves,Fall down the tree,They land in a heap,Of roses and pansies,And flutter in the breeze,Oh, what a lovely dance to see!
उड़ती बकरी, चलती मछ्ली,
तैरता कव्वा, उल्टा पुलटा।
नीचे सिर, ऊपर पैर,
सब कुछ दिखता, बदला बदला।Continue reading उल्टा-पुलटा →